Classic style means keeping things simple and as close to the original design as possible. This does not include emblazoned Tee’s and super skinny, ripped or oversized jeans. 
Think of classic styling in terms of a good classic film like Rebel without a Cause or Breakfast at Tiffany’s, neither is going anywhere! 
James Dean the star of the 1955 Rebel without a Cause wears a classic white tee with a pair of blue jeans, biker boots and a leather jacket. Fast track to 2021 and they still look great! 
You can reach a perfect balance of classic styling combined with a handful of current trends in your wardrobe if you choose wisely and don’t overdo it on the seasonal trends. Mixing a classic piece of clothing or two with one current trending item is the perfect formula. Mixing several current trends together often looks like you are trying too hard and you end up looking messy and unfinished. 
A balanced wardrobe combines classic pieces with bits of your own personality injected into it. Think of what you are passionate about, sports, design, film, music and incorporate an item which relates to that into your wardrobe. An example would be a combination of the classic James Dean look (leather biker jacket, blue jeans and white tee) with a current trend New York Yankees baseball cap. Or strip out the white tee for a slogan tee (‘Black Lives Matter’), a Gothic or brand name designer tee. 
Simply put, own your style by keeping true to yourself. Classic + a piece of you in the current trend equals amazing personal style! 
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